Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just Live Today

Blue eyes turn toward mine as I pass out the bars for Kid's Club snack. Kristen asks her routine question, "Are we going to be able to have two?"

"Not tonight," I reply. Seeing her beginning pout I can't keep the edge from my voice. "Enjoy the one you have. If you complain you could lose your snack."

As I dismiss the children after the noisy final assembly Kristen comes to me. "Will there be brownies next time?"

"I don't know." My words come with inward, and likely outward, annoyance. I am busy. She doesn't need to know that right now and should be quiet in her seat. She turns away.

Awake during the night I writhe, remembering those encounters. I can think of twenty-five better responses to Kristen's questions.

Morning comes and with it a burden about this and many other things. The Lord shows me I sound a lot like Kristen.

Brown eyes turned toward Him I wail. "Am I going to be able to accomplish all the things I hope to before the baby comes in 3 months? What about the traveling? What about the bike rides with Geryll and Tristan? What about the parties with friends? What about the spring cleaning? What about the painting? What about the sewing? What about my inadequacies that need attention? What about . . .? The summer looks too short!"

His voice is gentle, "Carla, just live in the grace I offer you today. If you fret you will lose your joy and peace."

I come to him again. "What about the delivery and health of the baby?"

And he who stands before the noise of all people, yet is never busy, turns to me. "You don't need to know that now. Just live today."


  1. Got the dresses from mom today. They too are beautiful. Thanks so so much. You did so good!

  2. Food for thought. Thank-you, Carla. ~Joanna Yoder

  3. Oh Carla, I could SO relate as I read this. Thanks for reminding me to the One who can truly bring me peace.

  4. Funny, I've been learning the same thing. I soon realized I couldn't handle the stress shouldering total responsibility for the future... I was forced to live in the moment and leave the rest to God... and realized this is faith. And freedom. It's what God wants for me.
